Thursday, 3 October 2013

Glorious September / October

Glorious September / October

Its been a while since my last blog, so much has happened !!! life changing events the birth of our 6th grandson George, born 3 weeks ago, such a proud family we are. The building of a small bugalow for my father in my sisters rear garden ! which will make his later life so much more comfortable and also Sis as his carer,  we are improving the front of our home here in Spain, all with the aim of giving our dog 'Bonnie' more freedom or maybe it's to stop her going on walkabouts and stealing our neighbour's dogs food  ha ha
                            So what's going on with the Pottery  'Well'   I have had a second bisque firing which was successful and I am now planning my first Raku firing, hopefully I shall post the results, also I have been working alongside Catherine helping her to make her own kiln brick and firing them to use in her new kiln, (to be built. !!! ) she has been very busy making the bricks from 50% Kaolin and 50% sawdust ,  I have posted 2 new video's you can watch on my You Tube channel MasBlancPottery firing bricks and results.

Firing of Catherine's kiln bricks in a 40 gallon raku kiln

My fathers new pad ha ha coming on nicely

The weather in September /  October has been so lush , we are still enjoying a swim ! , 22c in the pool this evening.

 A rare pic of me taking a dip. Oh dear ! 

Maggie is beavering away  producing wonder quilts more pics to follow !
Till the next time !


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