Thursday, 12 September 2013

Firing / How excited can one get

OK, So Raku / Bisque kiln built ! Itching to fire, 25 pots-bowls etc made, my first trial bisque firing tomorrow !!! fingers crossed.Hope they are all dry enough as don't want any explosions, Ouch.
     I am going to attempt to video the firing tomorrow if successful I shall try and upload a short one for this blog.
Small plate made for my grandson Henry and a casserole !! my tutor Catherine says its pretty good ! for a 1.5 person one ! em ! so I take it a slightly bigger one is needed
my attempt at plates and bowls

1 comment:

  1. I remember reeading about the industrial pottery kilns at school...seems that the same problems have to be overcome in smaller quantities too.
    I have a feeling I'll learn quite a bit about pottery on your blog.
